No Display, Three Long Caps Lock Blinks, Two Short (2024)

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No Display, Three Long Caps Lock Blinks, Two Short (5)

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‎02-04-201909:31 PM

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Product: HP Pavilion Notebook - 15-ab292nr

Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

My laptop turns on but has no display and gives the error code indicated in the title. I tried a hard reset, reseating the memory module, connecting an external display, and the whole Windows plus B startup key press, all to no avail. The code seems to indicate the memory is bad, but I have no compatible RAM on hand to test. My question is, before I buy a new stick of memory, is this 100% the problem? How accurate are these error codes? I would hate to buy it only to find out the entire motherboard needs to be replaced or something. And is there anything else I could try?

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  • 3slow 2fast with sound beep num and caps lock
  • HP Pavilion Notebook - 15-ab292nr
  • Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit)

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‎02-05-201901:38 AM

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The embedded controller has timed out waiting for BIOS to return from memory initialization.

Indicates potential memory failure.

1 Reseat memory.

2 Correct memory configuration.

3 Test with known good memory.

4 Replace affected component.

First:- Turn off the computer, press and hold the PWR button for 4 seconds.

Then - Leave only keyboard and mouse connected, disconnect all externally connected
devices such as Docking Station, USB storage devices, displays, and printers.
Unplug the AC adapter from the computer.

Next - Press and Hold the Power button for 15 seconds to Hard Reset.
Rinse and Repeat

AND/OR - Power on your PC, press Esc (repeatedly), then F2 at the prompt.
Choose System Tests (Fast Test does a 4 minute hardware check).

So I guess the answer is you will have to take a chance.

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‎02-06-201902:42 AM

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Thank you for the response. I tried these things and no luck.

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‎02-06-201907:18 AM

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How unfortunate.

So now you should either try the full diagnostic or replace the memory.

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No Display, Three Long Caps Lock Blinks, Two Short (14)

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    • No Display, Three Long Caps Lock Blinks, Two Short (2024)


      Why is my Caps Lock LED blinking in a pattern of 3 long and 2 short blinks? ›

      The red light blinks three times, and then two, short white light blinks (3 long red, 2 short white) This condition indicates a potential memory failure. Reseat the memory module from inside the computer.

      Why does my HP laptop have 3 long blinks and 2 short blinks? ›

      The specific blink pattern you mentioned (3 slow blinks followed by 2 fast blinks) is often associated with a memory (RAM) problem. Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot the issue.

      Why is my HP laptop not turning on and Caps Lock blinking 3 times? ›

      This could point to a system board failure. Corrupted BIOS: A corrupted BIOS can also cause this type of blinking pattern. Performing a hard reset or BIOS restoration might help resolve the issue. Incorrectly Seated Memory Modules: If the memory module was not installed correctly, it could cause this type of error.

      Why is my computer not turning on but Caps Lock is blinking? ›

      A blinking "Caps Lock" key typically means that there is a power-related issue, such as an error with your power supply, or that your computer cannot properly ventilate itself. However, this can often be resolved without needing to take it in for repairs.

      How to fix HP laptop Caps Lock blinking continuously no display? ›

      Meanwhile, I recommend you to perform the following steps to isolate the issue and arrive at a fix:
      1. Power off the laptop.
      2. Remove the battery out. ...
      3. Disconnected AC adapter from the laptop.
      4. Press and hold the power button for 15 seconds.
      5. Reconnect the battery and plug the AC adapter.
      6. Power ON the laptop.

      What do 3 long beeps and 2 short beeps mean on a laptop? ›

      The 3 beeps 2 beeps are a memory error. I'm a little confused by the original post as well, have you tested the memory works in a different machine? Also how many memory sticks are you trying to use? If it's two or more sticks try booting with just one.

      What is the code 3 long 2 short on HP BIOS? ›

      Interesting: 3 long beeps followed by 2 short beeps on an HP Omen desktop typically indicates a memory (RAM) related issue. This beep-code is part of the system's POST (Power-On Self-Test) error code sequence, which helps diagnose hardware problems during the boot process.

      Which key to enter bios HP? ›

      Opening the BIOS Setup Utility
      1. Turn off the computer and wait five seconds.
      2. Turn on the computer, and then immediately press the esc key repeatedly until the Startup Menu opens.
      3. Press f10 to open the BIOS Setup Utility.

      Why is my HP blinking and not turning on? ›

      Given the symptoms you've described with your HP laptop — the power button blinking, the fan starting for a brief moment, and then everything stopping — it sounds like it might be a hardware issue, possibly related to the power supply or motherboard.

      How to fix Caps Lock light? ›

      Solutions to Fix the Caps Lock Indicator Not Working
      1. Check for and install any available updates to the keyboard driver.
      2. Go to "Device Manager" and expand the "Keyboards" section.
      3. Right-click on your keyboard device and select "Update Driver."
      Jan 11, 2024

      What do 5 short and 3 long blinks mean in HP? ›

      I understand you are facing an issue the blinking caps lock light on an HP laptop usually indicates a hardware issue, specifically with the system's memory (RAM). The pattern you're describing, 5 long and 3 short blinks, typically points to a memory module (RAM) failure.

      Why is my PC blinking and not turning on? ›

      Thanks. power light flashes mean. If the power cord is not providing adequate current to power both the battery and the computer operation, the LEDs may flash.

      How to fix a laptop that won't turn on? ›

      How to Fix It When Your Laptop Won't Power On
      1. Check and replace the power supply. ...
      2. Detach from any docking stations and plug the power adapter directly into the laptop. ...
      3. Make sure it's not a screen issue. ...
      4. Make sure all cooling vents are clear. ...
      5. Remove any bootable media drives. ...
      6. Listen for beep code sounds.
      Nov 14, 2023

      Why is my HP laptop not turning on? ›

      If your laptop won't power up, a faulty power supply, failed hardware, or a malfunctioning screen could be to blame [1]. In many cases, you may be able to resolve the problem yourself by ordering replacement parts or adjusting your laptop's configuration.

      Why is my laptop Caps Lock blinking twice? ›

      If you're screen is blank and the caps lock key is blinking, chances are that one your hardware components is having an issue. From experience the common suspect is the RAM. When you install incompatible or faulty RAM it your PC, it will not display anything on the screen(Not even the BIOS) when you boot it.

      Why is my Caps Lock blinking 5 times then 3? ›

      The red light blinks five times, and then three, short white light blinks (5 long red, 3 short white) This condition indicates that the component cannot be not reached by the BIOS within the established time limit. Reseat the component. Test your system with a known good component.


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      Author: Trent Wehner

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      Views: 5551

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      Author information

      Name: Trent Wehner

      Birthday: 1993-03-14

      Address: 872 Kevin Squares, New Codyville, AK 01785-0416

      Phone: +18698800304764

      Job: Senior Farming Developer

      Hobby: Paintball, Calligraphy, Hunting, Flying disc, Lapidary, Rafting, Inline skating

      Introduction: My name is Trent Wehner, I am a talented, brainy, zealous, light, funny, gleaming, attractive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.